Our Books
We have all seen it happen. Someone makes an effort to explain something and suddenly, there's a change in attitude.In our 40+ years working in the educational publishing, we have come across many instances involving people who made a difference in the eventual success of others. Sometimes it involved a teacher, a grandparent who made an extra effort to connect and help. Parents often make the extra effort in athletics, music, dance or perhaps SAT scores. Yet - arguably a far more important life skill is often ignored. I'm talking about money skills - how to earn, save, invest, share and manage money.
What follows are descriptions of three books we publish that might be useful tools in your efforts to encourage good money attitudes and behaviors. Perhaps a book on investing opens a child's eyes to the long-term value of putting money to work. Or perhaps a book on starting a business is the encouragement an entrepreneurial child needs to capitalize on his/her talents.
Is there someone you know who might benefit? Can you make a difference?
Stock Market Pie: Grandma Helps Emily Make A Million
This is a great starter book for anyone who wants to learn (or teach) basic saving and investment concepts. The story line features young Emily who receives a gift of stock from her grandmother. Emily learns to appreciate the value of the gift as she discusses saving and investing with her grandmother while they bake pies. Emily develops a clever pie-making metaphor to illustrate investment concepts.

Stock Market Pie features detailed informational sidebars and a glossary, making it a great reference book. This well-researched and colorfully illustrated book is a great learning tool for anyone interested in getting a piece of the stock market pie. Originally published in 2002, this award-winning book was recently updated for a second edition.
Uses by readers…
- Grandparents tell us they used the book to explain the real value of the gift of stock to grandchildren
- Various organizations have found the book a great place to teach immigrants about the stock market and basic investing principles
- Parents use the book to teach investing concepts
- Teachers/librarians use the book as a reference for special projects
- Stock Market Pie is a popular resource for Talented and Gifted student programs

Product details
$15.00 on Shopify & $19.95 on Amazon
Library Binding: 40 pages
Publisher: DynaMinds Publishing; Second edition (2014)
ISBN-10: 0971290008
ISBN-13: 978-0971290006

Entrepreneur Extraordinaire: Grandpa Helps Emily Build A Business
What can a parent do to recognize and help develop a youngster's entrepreneurial acumen? One place to start is with a copy of this book.
In a fun, thorough and understandable way, this book describes what being an entrepreneur is really like. The story leads young readers from Emily recognizing a business opportunity to her solution, figuring out how to price, market and sell her new product along the way. Any budding entrepreneur would benefit from learning about these basic business fundamentals.
Uses by readers…
- Parents who have children interested in starting a lemonade stand, baby sitting, lawn mowing or even an online business use this book as a how-to primer
- Teachers use the book as a class resource while discussing topics like capitalism, business plans, production, marketing and branding (linking the business with art class to create brand logos, for example)
- Parents with a child who expresses interest in starting a business may benefit from a clearer picture of what business ownership is really like

Product details
$15.00 on Shopify & $19.95 on Amazon
Library Binding: 44 pages
Publisher: DynaMinds Publishing; First edition (2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0971290024
ISBN-13: 978-0971290020

Is This Your Plan to Retire?
If retirement is so darn easy, why do so many people fail at it? This was the observation that sent author Charles Kuster digging deeper into the social construct commonly known as "retirement."Kuster's book chronicles observations of friends who landed into retirement following a merger and early retirement offers. While some took naturally to being retired, about half were soon struggling and sought re-employment. He describes failed attempts at retirement as "crash-landing retirement."
Later, Kuster was thrust into active support of his aging parents and eventually served as power of attorney, trustee and executor. Over a six-year timeframe, Kuster witnessed how few folks really thrived in mid- and late stages of their retirements. But the majority simply survived, and many struggled. The underlying problem, contends Kuster, is that too many people ignore how much the modern retirement environment has changed and how that impacts retirees and their families. The book is packed with poignant vignettes, supporting information and practical strategies for those who want to thrive and not just survive after retiring.
This book is available in various formats at Bookbaby.com. The eBook is also available on other popular eBook distributors including Amazon, B&N, etc.

Product details
Common Ebook formats
Publisher: DynaMinds Publishing;
First edition;
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0-9995084-0-4